[ABANDONED] On nRF51422 and nRF52840: No emulators connected via USB when connected from Windows 10

  • [ABANDONED] On nRF51422 and nRF52840: No emulators connected via USB when connected from Windows 10

    I just recently got both nRF51422 and nRF52844 DK. However, when I tried to connect through J-LINK, the error message popped up: No emulators connected via USB. Do you want to connect through TCP/IP?

    I have checked in Device Manager that J-link has showed up under COM port and USB controllers:

    So far, I have tried many things individually as following to no avail. I tried on two boards and they appear to be working with LE5 blinking.
    1. install the latest Segger embedded studio for x64 and x86 and tried both. The issue persists;
    2. install the latest J-link software pack for windows;
    3. manually update the driver for J-link:
    4. manually select the USB driver under SES:
    5. update to the latest MCU firmware (J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi 170724.bin)
    6. switch to a different PC also using windows 10;
    7. switch to a different USB cable;
    8. switch to a different DK;
    9. step 1- 8 individually with rebooting my PC and reopen SES;
    10. tried to connect J-Link through TCP/IP. But I failed to find the correct s/n of J-link;
    11. measure the voltage of pins to make sure the board is good;

    At this moment, I ran out of ideas to try and would appreciate any input. Thanks.
  • Hi,

    Your first screenshot shows that the virtual COM port and the MSD (drag & drop programming) part of the OB was enumerated successfully.
    However, there is a 3rd component in the USB descriptor that is the J-Link itself.
    You should see this as well:
    As long as you do not see this, the J-Link component was not enumerated successfully and Embedded Studio etc. cannot communicate with J-Link.

    The "driver updates" you did do not really help anything as you performed them on the virtual COM port part which is not the J-Link part.
    Also, the virtual COM port part is identified fine.
    We see 2 possible reasons for the failure:
    1) Bad setup (which is unlikely as you changed cables, ... and also the PC)
    2) Bad board
    Do you have a 2nd dev kit to check against?

    We do not suspect a generic problem here because:
    There are tens of thousands of these boards out there and if there would be a generic problem with Windows 10, there would be many many support requests like this.

    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.