SEGGER - Fabian Administrator

  • Member since Aug 30th 2019
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  • SEGGER - Fabian -

    Replied to the thread Problem with multiple format arguments when using SEGGER_RTT_printf.

    Hi Peter, We are not aware of any such issue. I just gave it a quick try and it works without issues on my side, using an STM32F407VE: Source Code (2 lines)Resulted in the lines: Some 123 Test 456. Some 456 Test 123. Could you please provide a working…
  • SEGGER - Fabian -

    Replied to the thread J-Link RTT Viewer requires Disconnect / Reconnect.

    Hi Torsten, this depends on how you reset the device and what exactly happens when you do so. From the description I would guess that the debug interface is reset, so a reconnect is required to establish it again. As an active debug interface is a…