jonestn Community Member

  • Member since Sep 17th 2024
Last Activity
, Reading thread Programmatic reset of ARM Cortex-M4 through J-Link Plus

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  • jonestn -

    Replied to the thread Programmatic reset of ARM Cortex-M4 through J-Link Plus.

    After further investigation, I've confirmed that "nrfjprog --reset" is doing the same reset as J-Flash. I'm looking for the device to go into low power mode after programming (~2uA at 3v). It does after J-Flash (F9) but not after my programmatic…
  • jonestn -

    Posted the thread Programmatic reset of ARM Cortex-M4 through J-Link Plus.

    I've written a custom manufacturing programming tool for ARM Cortex-M4 nRF52832 and nRF52810 devices. It uses a J-Link Plus USB programmer (J-Link V7.98g) and is implemented in Python using the Pylink package. The program configures J-Link to use SWD and…