JLangbridge Community Member

  • Member since Feb 8th 2024
Last Activity
, Reading thread RA6M3 QSPI programming entering debug

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  • JLangbridge -

    Replied to the thread JRun return codes.

    Thanks, Thomas! All good for me, then. I am looking forward to the update, but we can use JRun as is in our test environment.
  • JLangbridge -

    Posted the thread JRun return codes.

    Hello, My understanding is that we can use JRun to send arguments and get return codes, but I'm having problems with the return codes. I'm using code from the wiki. It sends *ARGS*, receives arguments and reprints them, and everything looks good. For…
  • JLangbridge -

    Posted the thread JRun - Slight graphical glitch.

    Hello! I've run into a (very) slight problem when using JRun. Running JRun without any arguments forces the application to print out a help text output, as expected. At the end, there is a single char shift for the --log option, and the --fileonly…