balance3164 Community Member

  • Member since Dec 26th 2023
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  • balance3164 -

    Replied to the thread JLink suppress "device is secured" popup msg.

    I tried both in .jlink Exec.Command("SuppressGUI") exec SuppressGUI But still seeing pop up.
  • balance3164 -

    Replied to the thread JLink suppress "device is secured" popup msg.

    Hello, That's what I did, but as I said it says this when I run the .jlink file: J-Link>SuppressGUI Unknown command. '?' for help.
  • balance3164 -

    Replied to the thread JLink suppress "device is secured" popup msg.

    I added into .jlink file, but when I run the file with JLink.exe" -NoGui 1 -CommandFile test.jlink it says: J-Link>device NRF52805_XXAA J-Link>SuppressGUI Unknown command. '?' for help. also this fails too: JLink.exe SuppressGUI -NoGui 1 -CommandFile…
  • balance3164 -

    Posted the thread JLink suppress "device is secured" popup msg.

    How do I suppress "device is secured" popup msg by forcing Yes from jlink script? (unattended) Without clicking remember. Isn't there a forced parameter to "Erase all" command? I tried: unlock NRF52805_XXAA but it says: Syntax: unlock…