timschuerewegen Community Member

  • Member since Oct 6th 2022
Last Activity
, Reading thread Flashing Segger JLink Plus Compact using Windows Command Prompt

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  • timschuerewegen -

    Posted the thread Symbol browser incorrect range/size.

    I have several static variables with the same name in different .c files. In the Symbol Browser they are grouped together but the range/size is not correct. The correct range and size for the example in the attached screenshot should be…
  • timschuerewegen -

    Posted the thread Linker "place at end of" bug.

    The "place at end of" statement in an .icf file can sometimes put things past the end of the region. See attached modified Hello example. The address of the "test" variable is 0x20010000, which is past the end of RAM. Tested with: Embedded Studio for…