Unable to use alpha bitmaps on hardware

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    • Unable to use alpha bitmaps on hardware

      I have a requirement where I need to implement multiple wheels and the selected box in the wheel has an inverted color relative to the background. Something like this (download.png

      In the rightmost wheel I need bitmaps in a way that I can change the color of the bitmaps from white to black.

      According to the documentation for the WHEEL widget this is possible given that I use something called "Alpha Bitmaps"

      (donwload (1).png)

      Using the bitmap converter I am able to generate bitmaps with Alpha Channel that work for this use case since they have a GUI_BITMAP_METHODS of type GUI_DRAW_A8.


      This bitmap method is not available in the library we purchased from emwin. Is there any reason why GUI_DRAW_A8 method is only available for the simulator?

      Follow up: Is there any other way to generate alpha bitmaps that work with the WHEEL api to change color for the bitmaps at runtime?
      • download (1).png

        39.04 kB, 1,210×669, viewed 341 times
      • download.png

        14.95 kB, 437×224, viewed 348 times
    • Hi,

      Uncompressed alpha bitmaps (GUI_DRAW_A8) were added fairly recently with emWin V6.40. Are you maybe using an older emWin library that does not support this feature?

      If you use an older library, you can instead use the compressed alpha bitmap format to use with this WHEEL function.

      Best regards,
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