Please improve SystemView export possibilities

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    • Please improve SystemView export possibilities


      I am now using SystemView to measure the average time of a mark in our firmware, but, to my surprise, I am not able to only export the filtered entries shown when selecting "Show only markers", as SystemView will instead always export the entire events record, in my case taking several minutes and generating a csv file with multiple gigabytes in size, from where I still have to post-process and extract the ~1000 lines that interest me containing the mark execution times, only to paste it in excel and be able to calculate the average time, is there an easier way of only getting the entries shown? I tried selecting them in the view and copying, but it has no effect, am I missing some easy way of achieving it? if not, could you please add it as feature on the next Version?

      - In Addition, it would also be very helpful if there was an option where the time unit could be set fixed, for example, only showing it in milliseconds or microseconds, which I am now also needing to handle in post-processing, as measurements under 1ms are shown in us and above are shown in ms

      Thank you
    • New

      By the way, I believe that either the User Guide is wrong or the software has a bug, as, according to the User Guide, "the contents of the Terminal Window can be exported from the context menu and Export..." but, as already described, when using the "show only markers" filter I still get the entire record of events even when exporting from the context menu, although in my understanding the Terminal window has only markers after I filtered it.

      Thank you