Bluescreens on Windows 11 right after connecting a J-Link Plus device

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    • Bluescreens on Windows 11 right after connecting a J-Link Plus device


      I'm using a SEGGER J-Link Plus debug probe together with the RTT viewer/debugger on my Windows 11 HP Zbook laptop and spontaneously get bluescreens right after attaching the USB cable of J-Link to my laptop. It doesn't happen consistently though - about every 10th time when I plug it in, I get a bluescreen.

      The bluescreen message is either DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION or CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT.

      I was advised by my IT department to do the following things, none of them helped:
      - Update to the most recent version of the SEGGER software. I'm currently using V7.96e
      - Using a USB galvanic isolator

      In my company, it also keeps happening to other people who work with HP laptops, but it doesn't happen to those having e.g. Lenovos.

      I'm also working with embedded devices that have a SEGGER J-Link-onboard module and the bluescreen also happens with them.

      Has anyone of you experienced something similar and maybe share a fix?
