Reloading and programming in the background

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    • Reloading and programming in the background



      Some issues are prone to require (a lot of) trial and error to fix. Such cases typically follows the flow:

      Change code -> compile -> program elf file in Ozone

      To program the elf file one needs to bring Ozone to the foreground for the dialog with the text "The program has been modified by another application. Do you want to reload it?" to show. In many cases I check "do not show again" to avoid the dialog.

      Is there any way to let the reloading (and programming) happen in the background avoiding alt+tab'ing to the Ozone Window? This would speed up the development flow. A tool like Autohotkey might be usable, but not ideal (I would like to avoid having too many dependencies in the toolchain).

      Windows 10 / Ozone 3.34 / stm32u585 / J-Trace

      Best regards,

    • New

      Hi Rune,

      Ozone does not provide such a functionality and we do not see a big benefit in implementing such a feature. Ozone is a debugger and if you switch to Ozone it can be assumed that you intend debugging the firmware. For that use case Ozone behaves well.

      If you just want to download the ELF file into the flash and start the application stand-alone, I am sure that you can use your J-Trace and the tools coming with it plus some scripting to achieve that. In that case please open a new thread in the J-Link forum.

      Does that answer your question?

      Best regards
      -- AlexD
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