Running JLink through batch file does not work through LabVIEW

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    • Running JLink through batch file does not work through LabVIEW


      I have a batch file that calls JLink.exe to set it up and run a command file.

      .bat file contents

      Source Code

      1. "C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V792o\JLink.exe" -device AT91SAM4SA16C -if swd -speed 4000 -CommandFile "C:\Users\Tester\Desktop\New Board Programming\Data\J-Tag Fusion\test_jtag_full_load_new.jlink"
      2. pause

      command file contents

      Source Code

      1. connect
      2. si 1
      3. speed 4000
      4. reset
      5. halt
      6. erase 0x400000,0xFFFFFF
      7. loadbin ExampleFile.bin,0x400000
      8. exit

      When I right click the .bat file located in a folder on my desktop and run it, I have no issue with it running. When I call the .bat file in LabVIEW, I get the following error:

      J-Link>loadbin Example.bin,0x400000
      'loadbin': Performing implicit reset & halt of MCU.
      Downloading file [Sam4sRecoveryFullImage.bin]...
      Failed to open file.

      My question is, if it is failing to open the file, is there any other way I could call that file for it to be able to work though LabVIEW?
    • New

      Sounds like it has to do with the “working directory” (

      When you click the bat file, the working directory of the bat file code is the location of thw bat file.
      That working directory is inherited by JLink.exe, so when opening the relative(!) file path <Example.bin> the file is searched in the working directory (same location where the bat file is)

      When you call the bat file from within LabVIEW, the working directory is most probably the location of your LabVIEW project.
      So that working directory is inherited by the bat file and finally by JLink.exe
      Now <Example.bin> is searched where your LabVIEW project is located and not where the bat file is located.

      See here:…y-in-LabVIEW/ta-p/3507703
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