J-Trace Connection with STM32F446_Nucleo-144

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  • J-Trace Connection with STM32F446_Nucleo-144

    Dear SEGGER developers,

    I'm trying to connect a J-Trace debugger to my STM32F446 Nucleo-144 board. While the Segger Wiki has been very helpful, I'm still uncertain about some details.

    The Wiki provides information on which pins on board should be connected, but it doesn't show exactly how to connect the J-Trace to the boards. I've also consulted the STM32F446 manual and noticed that several pins seem to correspond to trace functions:

    Pin nameAlternate functions

    Should I connect these pins to the J-Trace trace pins, and the other pins to the debug pins on the boards?

    Any additional detailed information on the connection process would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    If your chip features multiple possible sets of trace pins you can generally use any combination you want. You just have to make sure that the chosen trace pins fit the ones that you are initializing in your .JLinkScript file.
    In the linked example project you will find an example script that sets up PE2-PE6.
    The example script will limit the trace data pins to 1 pin though to make the pictured setup possbile with the flying wires.
    If you plan on using all 4 trace pins make sure the line where variable "JLINK_TRACE_PortWidth" is set is commented out or that value is set to 4 instead.

    A general guide on how to setup trace pin inits is explained here:

    Best regards,
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