JLink for Linux 7.82b and later will not install on WSL2 Ubuntu 24.04: fails to update udevadm rules

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  • JLink for Linux 7.82b and later will not install on WSL2 Ubuntu 24.04: fails to update udevadm rules

    Hi there,

    I was attempting to install J-Link 7.96i for Linux (.deb package) on my Ubuntu 24.04 WSL2 installation. However, I have attempted to install via dpkg a number of times and each time it has failed with the following error:
    "Updating udev rules via udevadm"
    "Failed to reload udevadm rules, retrying
    "Failed to send reload request. No such file or directory"
    "Error: Failed to update udevadm rules"

    My team has recently upgraded our WSL2 distro from Ubuntu 20.04 to 24.04. With 20.04, I get:
    "Updating udev rules via udevadm"
    "Failed to reload udevadm rules, retrying"
    … and the install succeeds.

    I have tried to restart the udev service with:
    Service udev start
    Systemctl restart udev
    But both of these claim udev is not a service, or a start command cannot be run.

    I have iterated through several recent JLink versions and found that 7.82a is the last version which will work in Ubuntu 20.04. 7.82b and onward fail. 7.82a gives
    "Setting up jlink (7.821)…"
    "Failed to send reload request. No such file or directory"
    …but the install seems to complete regardless.

    Has anyone else encountered this, or could suggest a fix/workaround?
