Is there any possibility for give Object or Variables name array format like ID_TEXT[1] or ID_VAR_[0],ID_VAR_[1],etc

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    • Is there any possibility for give Object or Variables name array format like ID_TEXT[1] or ID_VAR_[0],ID_VAR_[1],etc

      Hi guys,

      In my project I am using 4 same type of screen need to display same type of data like temperature , sensor value ,etc.

      I received data from sensors array format example sensor_data[4] . So currently I need to set value using settext function using different object names like ID_TEXT_1,ID_TEXT_2,ID_TEXT_3,ID_TEXT_4.

      My doubt is there any possibility for give name for the object is ID_TEXT[0],ID_TEXT[1],ID_TEXT[2],ID_TEXT[3].

      any one have idea pls let me know .

      Thanks advance
