why jlink gdb server reponse "Unsupported CPU"?

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    • why jlink gdb server reponse "Unsupported CPU"?

      JLinkARM.dll V7.96f (DLL compiled Apr 24 2024 14:25:37)

      Command line: -device Cortex-A55 -if SWD -JLinkScriptFile /home/geduer/wor/jlinkscript.txt -port 5088
      -----GDB Server start settings-----
      GDBInit file: none
      GDB Server Listening port: 5088
      SWO raw output listening port: 2332
      Terminal I/O port: 2333
      Accept remote connection: yes
      Generate logfile: off
      Verify download: off
      Init regs on start: off
      Silent mode: off
      Single run mode: off
      Target connection timeout: 0 ms
      ------J-Link related settings------
      J-Link Host interface: USB
      J-Link script: /home/geduer/wor/jlinkscript.txt
      J-Link settings file: none
      ------Target related settings------
      Target device: Cortex-A55
      Target device parameters: none
      Target interface: SWD
      Target interface speed: 4000kHz
      Target endian: little

      Received monitor command: regs
      Unsupported CPU!