[SOLVED] Jlink not 'disconnecting' properly

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  • [SOLVED] Jlink not 'disconnecting' properly

    Hi to all,

    please consider assisting me.

    I am using Jlink to program my DUT with a low-power FW. Yet, it seems that, when the programming is over and I try to close GDBserver (by killing the task through windows) something remains connected and my DUT cannot enter the lower power mode, it stays in high-power debug mode.

    My tests are as follows:

    1. Case 1
      1. Manually open GDBserver
      2. Program board
      3. Check processes, there are
        1. linkGDBserver
        2. linkGUIserver running
      4. Close GDBserver window manually
      5. Both processes disappear, consumption drops to uA
    1. Case 2
      1. Manually run GDBserver
      2. Program board
      3. Check processes, there are
        1. linkGDBserver, and
        2. linkGUIserver running
      4. Kill GDBserver via CMD (C:\Windows\System32\TASKKILL.exe /F /PID 19996 , PID changes for each run of course)
      5. Both processes disappear, consumption STAYS HIGH
      6. Altering the kill operation (first kill GDBserver then kill GUIserver or vice versa) does not change things
    1. Case 3
      1. Open GDBserver via "C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V794\JLinkGDBServerCL.exe" -device Cortex-M33 -select USB=1100007809 -if swd -speed 1000 -port 2331 -ir
      2. Program board
      3. Check processes, there are
        1. JLinkGDBServerCL, and
        2. JLinkGUIServer running
      4. Kill GDBserverCL via CMD (C:\Windows\System32\TASKKILL.exe /F /PID 19996 , PID changes for each run of course)
      5. Both processes disappear, consumption STAYS HIGH
      6. Altering the kill operation (first kill GDBserverCL then kill GUIserver or vice versa) does not change things

    Going through the active processes there is nothing related that seems to be running after either window close or cmd taskkill.

    Apparently, when manually closing GDBserver by hitting the 'close' button there are other operations as well taking place (disconnect? power off?)

    Does anybody have any insight on this? How can I, properly, close GDBserver via CL?

    Thank you in advance
  • Are you serious?
    You are wondering that something prevents your target from entering low power modes after you KILL GDBServer and so do not even give it a chance to perform a clean shutdown & clearing debug bits that very possibly may inhibit low power modes?

    What the…

    How about this?
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