[SOLVED] How to skip flash erase

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  • [SOLVED] How to skip flash erase

    Hi , I have the following script:

    Source Code

    1. cat ./myupload.jlink
    2. device ATSAMD21G18A
    3. si SWD
    4. speed 4000
    5. connect
    6. exec SetCompareMode = 0
    7. loadbin .pio/build/mkrwifi1010/firmware.bin, 0x2000
    8. r
    9. q

    which I run like so:

    JLinkExe -NoGui 1 -CommandFile ./myupload.jlink

    As you can see, I disabled the compare step, and I would like now to disable also the erase step ( to speed up the operation).
    How can this be done ?

    Kind regards
  • Hi Peter,
    it seems like you misinterpreted what "SetCompareMode=0" does.
    This is not really a surprise as it was not properly documented. We will revisit the documentation an adjust this.
    In short:
    When SetCompareMode=0 is selected, the J-Link will skip the Blank check and thus has to assume that the device must always be erased before program.
    => Forcing SetCompareMode=0 will force J-Link to always trigger erase when calling LoadFile.

    From what I understand you intend to skip the verify, correct?
    If so, you would have to use another Command String "SetVerifyDownload=0":

    Please note that there is currently no way to Skip the blank check & also skip the erase.
    This is currently only possible via J-Flash.

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