1920x1080 not ok

    • 1920x1080 not ok

      Hello everyone
      I use emwin, but it doesn't show properly with 1920x1080, but 1920x720 does.
      Width x height less than 1400000 is OK, and the memory has been given 20M
      large than 1400000 is not ok.
      Is the emwin lib limit ?
    • Hi,

      There is no such limitation to the frame buffer size. Both sizes worked for me in an emWin simulation project.

      Of course, RAM can be a limiting factor. Because the display driver GUIDRV_Lin uses a frame buffer located in RAM and GUIDRV_FlexColor (when used with caching) allocates a cache in the GUI heap.

      Could you go more into detail about your setup (Simulation or target?, which display driver, ...)? It would help if you could provide your GUIConf.c/.h and LCDConf.c/.h files.
      What happens if you select the bigger size? Does emWin stop working or is your application not showing correctly?

      Best regards,
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