[SOLVED] JLink Commander - Tutorial

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  • [SOLVED] JLink Commander - Tutorial

    I am working with a JLink EDU and SES with a SAMD21 board. I want to use the command line software JLink Commander to go through individual steps like halting the core, setting a breakpoint etc. I have found the basic documentation for the same. It would help me a lot though if there was a tutorial about how to string these commands together. Are there any scripts I can use as a reference?
  • Hi,

    J-Link Commander is designed to be used as a verification tool, to be able to verify that several low-level operations work as expected, independent from an IDE.

    It is not designed to replace an IDE or be a full-blown debugger with ELF file debug info support, source-level debug or automated testing.
    While some degree of automation is possible with command files is possible:
    it heavily depends on your setup, if that suffice your needs.

    For more complex setups and customized actions, there is an SDK available:

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