[SOLVED] JLink-EDU with STM32 issues

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  • [SOLVED] JLink-EDU with STM32 issues


    For quite some time I used JLink EDU to flash and debug nRF52 chips, and the setup worked always nicely. Recently, I switched to STM32WLE5JC SoC and now I am facing some challenges:
    1. After several attempts, I managed to make the EDU flash and debug STM32WL only after reducing connection speed to 50KHz! Is this normal?
    2. I though an official ST programmer would improve things, so an STLink-V3NIMIE is now on my desk. In STLINK mode, using the ST utilities, SoC programming works as expected. But I prefer the JLink tools, so I tried to reflash. No luck there, always the following error: "Preparing for FW update (can take up to 10 seconds)...ERROR: Cannot find an ST-LINK, multiple ST-LINKs plugged in, or ST-LINK is in use". FW version is V3J13M4. Has anyone managed to convert an STLink-V3MINIE to JLINK before?
    Your helpis much appreciated.

    Thank you
  • to 1) No
    to 2) The conversion utility only supports ST-LINK V2 on-board. Neither stand-alone ST-LINKs nor ST-LINK V3 in general.

    Note that the STM32WLE5x can operate from 1.8V to 3.6V while the EDU Mini only supports 3.3V targets. Just in case you are not using that MCU in 3.3V mode
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  • Thank you for your response.
    STM32 board VCC is 3V3, so that should not be the problem.

    A test with JFlash Lite V7.92n, at a conservative speed of 1000KHz, using signals SWDIO, SWCLK, VIO, GND and RESET, gives the following error:

    Connecting to J-Link...
    Connecting to target...
    ERROR: Could not connect to target.

    Repeating the test @ 50KHz succeeds:

    Connecting to J-Link...
    Connecting to target...

    Are there any logs I could attach for troubloshooting?
    Or any other tests to pinpoint the issue?

    Thank you
  • Sorry, no idea so far.
    Still sounds like a setup issue.
    Needing to get down to 50 kHz is quite harsh…
    So there is either a HW defect on the PIOs of the EDU Mini or another HW setup issue.

    I currently do not see any reason on the software side why 50 kHz should make things working while > 1 MHz is totally not working.
    Even 4 MHz is a quite decend speed where timing etc. is all relatively uncritical and even longer cables should not be any issue.
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

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  • Hi,

    Finally, a 10K pull-down resistor on the SWDIO line did the trick.
    The speed raised to 2MHz, even with long ugly cables.

    Must be something with the SMT32WLE5 chip or the Wio-E5 module..
