[ABANDONED] Library heap not functional when migrating from SES 5.70a to SES 7.32

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  • [ABANDONED] Library heap not functional when migrating from SES 5.70a to SES 7.32

    My project works fine in SES 5.70a, but I want to migrate to SES 7.32
    When first opening the project and attempting to build, I got this error

    Source Code

    1. 7> SEGGER_RTT_Syscalls_SES.c:73:22: error: unknown type name ‘__printf_tag_ptr’
    2. 7> 73 | int __putchar(int x, __printf_tag_ptr ctx) {
    3. 7> | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    4. 7> Build failed

    To resolve it I did this:
    Removes these file from the project

    Source Code

    1. SEGGER_RTT.c
    2. SEGGER_RTT.h
    3. SEGGER_RTT_Conf.h
    4. SEGGER_RTT_Syscalls_SES.c
    1. Under 'Solution->Options->Common->Private Configurations->Library' changed 'Library I/O' to 'RTT'
    2. Make sure the 'Debug' and 'Release' configurations inherits the same value
    3. 'Preprocessor'->'Preprocessor Definitions'
    5. Clicked OK and rebuild the project.

    I came to this solution after reading this:
    devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordi…printf_tag_ptr-retarget-c, devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordi…iling-in-latest-ses-6-20a and wiki.segger.com/Embedded_Studio_Library_IO

    Now the project builds and we come the the actual problem: the library heap is not functioning:
    Added the following

    Source Code

    1. int main() {
    2. void * test = malloc(1);
    3. printf("%p\n", test);
    4. //..rest of main()

    Run the code on a nRF52840 target (like a devkit)

    Observed how the `printf` prints `00000000` indicating the `malloc()` failed.

    Things already tried
    Checking the heap size in project options. It is set to 1024. Confirmed in the map file that the `.heap` symbol is size 0x400
  • Is the Code > Library > Library Heap option (in Project or Solution options) set to something other than None? The heap works for me -- my placement file includes these placements for the heap and stack:

    Source Code

    1. <MemorySegment>
    2. <!-- other sections in RAM deleted -->
    3. <ProgramSection alignment="8" size="__HEAPSIZE__" load="No" name=".heap" />
    4. <ProgramSection alignment="8" size="__STACKSIZE__" load="No" name=".stack" place_from_segment_end="yes" address_symbol="__StackLimit" end_symbol="__stack_end__" end_symbol="__StackTop"/>
    5. <ProgramSection alignment="8" size="__STACKSIZE_PROCESS__" load="No" name=".stack_process" />
    6. </MemorySegment>