[ABANDONED] Having difficulty debugging in external flash using K8x with MX25L12835F​ flash using Visual Code

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  • [ABANDONED] Having difficulty debugging in external flash using K8x with MX25L12835F​ flash using Visual Code

    We have a Kinetis K81 processor that has 256K of internal flash and a MX25L12835F 32MB external flash located at 0x6800_0000 in the memory space. We have an application that spans both parts and runs without difficulty. We also can debug with the JLink debugger and Visual Code as long as we are breaking and stepping in internal flash.

    But when we look at external flash or try breaking and stepping in it, it fails. One symptom of the problem is that I can dump the hex values of addresses in the external flash address range to the console in my application and see the correct values that way, but if I use the Memory tab in Visual Code to look at these same addresses, the values it displays are not correct but are from a different address in the flash.
  • Hi,

    If you can provide a reproducer for an eval board, we can have a look.

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