[SOLVED] Does SES support RISC-V P extension

  • [SOLVED] Does SES support RISC-V P extension

    Hello my dear team.
    I want to know if Segger Embedded studio For RISC-V support the P extension for faster DSP processing? I cannot find relavant info about if it's supported. But emVDSP seems to support it, so please tell me if SES support too.
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    Yes it is supported if you set the toolchain to the Andes toolchain.
    You can do so by either creating a new project for an Andes device, or if you are using a different target device you can go to project options and set Code > Build > Toolchain Variant> Andes

    Now you should get a new option group where you can enable DSP support under Code > Andes > DSP Extension > Yes.

    Best regards,
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