[ABANDONED] SES w/ Nordic SDK - Suppress warnings from library files

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  • [ABANDONED] SES w/ Nordic SDK - Suppress warnings from library files

    I have a project in SES 5.42a for the Nordic nRF52833 using SDK 17.1.0 on Windows. The project was started as an example project, which is the source of the directory structure.

    I added compiler warning flags to Project Options->Code->Compiler->Additional C/C++ Compiler Options:

    This works, but there's tons of warnings generated in Nordic library files. I'd like to suppress warnings on all the library files, while keeping warnings for new source files. I think the way to do this is with the -isystem or -I flags added to the Compiler Options (same spot in Project Options as the warning flags), but I haven't been able to get it to work. A few permutations that I've tried,

    Doen't Suppress Warnings
    -isystem $(ProjectDir)/../../../../../../components/libraries/scheduler/
    -I $(ProjectDir)/../../../../../../components/libraries/scheduler/

    Suppresses all warnings from all files (not just files the schedular folder)
    -isystem \..\..\..\..\..\..\components\libraries\scheduler\

    Thoughts on what I'm doing wrong, or another approach to generate warnings for only a subset of files/folders?
