[SOLVED] unable to write non numerical serial number

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  • [SOLVED] unable to write non numerical serial number


    I currently own a Flasher ARM programmer, and would like to use its program serial number function for an STM32 chip.
    The serial number that I am trying to program has a format of 123123-123.
    I am able to successfully write this serial number into the Serial.TXT file but as soon as I program it, anything after the "-" disappears. Leaving me with only 123123.
    The length is defined to be 10 so it is able to write 123123123 or anything that doesn't have a non numerical digit.
    Is there anyway for me to program the serial number in the above mentioned 123123-123 format with the actual "-"?

  • Hello Harris,

    The serial number in SERIAL.TXT is a number (unsigned integer).

    If you want to use hyphens or other special characters, you'd need to use the "custom serial number" feature and provide a SNLIST.TXT file.
    Please refer to the chapter in the manual: wiki.segger.com/UM08022_Flasher#Serial_number_list_file

    Best regards
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