AppWizard Custom Keypad

    • AppWizard Custom Keypad

      Hi Guys,

      I need to edit our default keypad or create a custom keypad.

      For example, Default keypads have +, -, delete, etc. If I need only (0 to 9) in my keypad also I need to arrange numbers in different order, keys in different spacing, and different sizes.

      So what do I need to do to customize my keypad?

      Does anyone have an idea or any example code to help me fix my custom keypad?

      Thanks and Regards

    • Hi Ravi,

      Attached I have the code for the numpad layout. In the manual there is a detailed explanation of what the layout is composed of.
      You will have to rearrange the character codes in the given arrays to what you require. You can also remove lines of keys that you don't require, like the arithmetic operators. You would just remove the _Arithmetic array from the KEYDEF_LINE array.

      Important to note is that the sizes are not absolute. They are in promille and scale to the current window size of the KEYBOARD widget.

      I hope this helps!

      Best regards,
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