[SOLVED] How can I import the imxrt1176 svd (vendor specific peripheral register) into ozone?

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  • [SOLVED] How can I import the imxrt1176 svd (vendor specific peripheral register) into ozone?


    I am using the Ozone to debug with a very new JTRACE PRO. Unfortunately I couldn't find any peripheral registers information like ADC/SPI/GPIO etc. (See fig. below)

    What I expected is like the NXP MCUXpressor IDE offered: (see attachment)

    Since I am not a fan to debug the code in MCUXpressor (flash process too slow), I really want to stay in Ozone. But how can I setup the peripheral registers in Ozone for specific MCU?
    • imxrt1176 sfr.JPG

      52.99 kB, 665×268, viewed 736 times
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    You would need the target devices .svd file.
    You can get them from the silicon vendor.
    Then simply set it in Ozone as explained in the Ozone user manual UM08025_Ozone.pdf.
    You can find the file in the Ozone installation folder.
    See chapter "Project.AddSvdFile" for more information.

    Simply set that command in your Ozone Project file (.jdebug) file in the OnProjectLoad() function.

    Alternatively when creating a new Project with the Ozone project wizard you can set the Peripheral svd file in the first window under "Peripherals", so it is added automatically upon project creation.

    Best regards,

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  • Hello,

    unfortunately after hard discussion with NXP staff, it was confirmed, the so called "XML" file which works fine with NXP MCUXpressor IDE, is NOT SUITABLE for Segger Ozone. I have already created a ticket for further help from Segger side, if you have convert the XML file from NXP to a suitable SVD file which we can import it to the Ozone.
  • Hi Siwei,
    normally it should be sufficient to rename the XML file to SVD. SVD file format is explained here: keil.com/pack/doc/CMSIS/SVD/html/svd_Format_pg.html. If the file NXP provided doe not adhere to that format you may...
    ...create a tool translating the NXP format to the SVD format
    ...create your own SVD file, taking one of the SVD files for peripherals coming with Ozone as a template.
    Does that answer your question?
    Best regards
    -- AlexD
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