[SOLVED] Apple Silicon M1 + Parallels - drivers

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  • [SOLVED] Apple Silicon M1 + Parallels - drivers

    Hi, I have a specific problem that I have not been able to solve. I have a MacBook with M1 chip. I have Parallels installed, using which I am running MS Windows 11 arm. I have J-LINK EDU version 10.1.
    J-LINK works for me as long as I use it directly in macOS. If I want to use it in virtualized MS Windows, it doesn't work for me. In the device manager, j-link shows up as an unknown device even though I have the latest version of j-link software installed for MS Windows ARM.
    You may be wondering why I'm using J-LINK in virtualized MS Windows when it runs directly in macOS. The reason is simple. I am working on a project that needs MS Windows for compilation.
    I tried using JLinkConfig (via macOS) to set my J-LINK to usbWin, but it was not possible ... so does that mean that my J-LINK is not usable like that?
  • Under Windows ARM, you need a WinUSB compatible J-Link because there is no SEGGER kernel driver available for Windows ARM.

    Full WinUSB comparibility is available starting with the V12 hardware of J-Link.
    The V10 you have is not WinUSB compatible.

    For the EDU mini, WinUSB compatibility will be introduced soon.
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  • Thank you for the information, I thought so but wanted to know officially.
    I have the option to purchase a J-link EDU mini (8.08.91). If I understand correctly, the usbWin driver for the J-link EDU mini is not released yet?
  • It is not “WinUSB driver for EDU mini” but an adaption to the firmware and bootloader(!) that is needed to make it WinUSB compatible.
    It is supposed to be done in the next couple of weeks.

    Of course it will take some time until all the new units with the new bootloader will make it to catalog distributors, distributors, …

    If there will be a utility to update the bootloader of an EDU mini in-field has not been decided yet (or if it is even technically possible)

    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
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  • There is a firmware update available for the EDU Mini that adds WinUSB support, so it can be enabled in J-Link Configurator.
    This allows you to use the EDU Mini in your setup.
    Note that you will be unable to perform FW updates under Windows arm64.
    You need to be natively under macOS for the update and may switch to the VM afterwards.
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

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