[ABANDONED] SWO Viewer does not output for SAMV71Q21B

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  • [ABANDONED] SWO Viewer does not output for SAMV71Q21B

    Hi Segger,

    I am trying to make SWO work for SAMV71Q21B. Under SWO Viewer program, I select cpufreq = 150000000, swfreq = 2000000, itmmask = 0x07. I can see that my program is outputting debug string on the SWO pin (baud rate 1000000 ??) of the Jlink (v7.64b). However, there is no output on the SWO Viewer.
    But if I change CPU clock in firmware to be 300Mhz, I can see SWO output with above swoviewer command.

    Do you have any ideas ?

    Thanks! :rolleyes:

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