[SOLVED] warnning (135) - At FreeRTOSPlugin_<port>, what does <port> mean?

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  • [SOLVED] warnning (135) - At FreeRTOSPlugin_<port>, what does <port> mean?

    Hi all,

    I tried to get info about "FreeRTOSPlugin_<port>" from the internet and the Ozone manual but no information about what <port> means. Whenever I open Ozone, I see the warning message 135 related to the FreeRTOSPlugin_<port>.
    My configuration file has the below setting but the problem still happens and I don't think Ozone is recognized by FreeRTOS as an OS plugin.

    Project.SetOSPlugin ("FreeRTOSPlugin");

    Is there anyone know what <port> means and how to fix this problem?

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    In the Ozone installation folder under \Plugins\OS you will find all available RTOS plugins. There you can see the different FreeRTOS plugins.
    Every Arm architecture has a different way of providing the necessary information to Ozone which is why there are different versions for FreeRTOS.
    So you need to specify which one to use. Simply select the one that fits your target devices architecture.

    Best regards,
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