[ABANDONED] Exception Dialog doesn't show information about exception cause

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  • [ABANDONED] Exception Dialog doesn't show information about exception cause

    I am trying to use the touted Exception Analysis features of Ozone, but it just isn't working very well. Looking at the two videos here (segger.com/products/developmen…echnology/fault-analysis/), it seems exactly what I need! However, when my app hits an exception, I get a dialog with only two SCB control registers, and provides no debug information about the exception itself. In the video, there is plentiful information pointing exactly to the problem. What am I missing here to get this cool feature working?

    Here is my current configuration, updated today:

    Ozone V3.30 (upgraded today)
    J-Link V7.88e (upgraded today - version Ozone V3.30 wants)
    J-Link Plus (upgraded firmware from J-Link V7.88e today)
    STM32G0B0VE target (Cortex-M0 CPU)

    Please help, as the fault I'm hitting doesn't allow me to set a breakpoint in the HardFault_Handler.

    Two other thoughts:

    1. I wonder if the fault that is triggering this is such that the only info the Exception Dialog is what is being shown. If this is the case, I suppose we really need to be careful not to introduce that in our code! Could this be possible?

    2. Back to the breakpoint in the HardFault_Handler; how could this be? To be clear, Ozone lets me set the breakpoint, but I never hit the breakpoint. In the HardFault_Handler, which is highest priority (other than NMI) and cannot be masked, how could the breakpoint not be it? Something seems very wrong there...
    • OzoneException.png

      122.61 kB, 1,654×575, viewed 463 times

    The post was edited 1 time, last by rsg ().

  • Hi rsg,
    for processing your request for support additional information is required. Could you please share your Ozone project file with us?
    Best regards-- AlexD
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