TWRK60N512 CPU not found

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  • TWRK60N512 CPU not found


    i have a problem with TWRK60N512.

    I can not program the TWRK60N512 and I'm trying to unlock it with the command "unlock Kinetis" by J-Link Commander utility.
    However when I connect the USB-Jlink cable, the JLink Commander tells me:

    "SEGGER J-Link Commander V4.32 ('?' for help)
    Compiled Jul 29 2011 18:38:14
    DLL version V4.32, compiled Jul 29 2011 18:37:55
    Firmware: J-Link ARM V6 compiled Feb 1 2011 14:28:14
    Hardware: V6.00
    S/N: 156003045
    OEM: IAR
    VTarget = 3.280V
    Info: TotalIRLen = ?, IRPrint = 0x..000000000000000000000000

    WARNING: CPU core not found.
    No devices found on JTAG chain. Trying to find device on SWD.

    WARNING: CPU core not found.
    No device found on SWD.
    Did not find any core.
    Info: TotalIRLen = ?, IRPrint = 0x..000000000000000000000000

    WARNING: CPU core not found.
    No devices found on JTAG chain. Trying to find device on SWD.

    WARNING: CPU core not found.
    No device found on SWD.
    Did not find any core.

    if I try to give the command "unlock Kinetis" the J-Link Commander tells me:

    "J-Link>unlock Kinetis
    ERROR: Could not write Ctrl/Stat register.Unlocking device...ERROR: Read from DP
    /AP register failed!

    How i can resolve this problem?
  • Hi,

    So far we do not see any problems with the Kinetis device and J-Link V6 (see attached screenshot).
    We also used the TWR-K60N512 Eval board for this test.

    Is the flash of your MCU empty or is there an application running on the microcontroller?
    Did it ever work before? If yes, when did it stopped working? (Maybe after downloading a new version of an application into flash?)
    Do you have another eval board in house which can be used for testing? If yes: Does it show the same behavior?
    Do you have a second J-Link there? If yes: Does it show the same behavior (non-working) on this board?

    Best regards
    • K60N512.gif

      7.77 kB, 668×259, viewed 1,078 times
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