[SOLVED] Issue with debugging the IMX8L6/L8-M7-Cortex from NXP with VS-Code

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  • [SOLVED] Issue with debugging the IMX8L6/L8-M7-Cortex from NXP with VS-Code

    Hi there, thank you for accepting me into the forum.
    I'm having some trouble trying to debug the M7-Cortex of the named chip. The board I'm using is not from NXP and is our own development.
    Now I'm using the J-link debugger with gdp to flash bin/elf-files into the M7 and works totally fine. For building I'm using the VS-Code IDE with the cmake-tools extension and the arm gnu gcc compiler using mostly the cmake-files provided by NXP.

    Now for debugging it seems that this isn't so easily done:
    For the debugging I installed the extension "cortex-debug" from the market place for the VS-Code-IDE. Then I configured the JSON files as in the images, as provided by: wiki.segger.com/J-Link_Visual_Studio_Code [1], [2], wiki.segger.com/J-Link_GDB_Server#-swoport [3]

    Now when I click on debug following happens:

    The JLinkGDBServer tool opens and I get the message that is connected normally and is waiting for the target.

    but then I get timeout... no other errors(see pngs nemed image)...

    Now does someone have any clue of what I am doing wrong? Any hints would be very helpful! Thanks!
    • launchJSON.PNG

      68.13 kB, 1,466×724, viewed 311 times
    • settingsJSON.PNG

      61.24 kB, 1,818×397, viewed 275 times
    • image (1).png

      24.38 kB, 654×436, viewed 243 times
    • image.png

      138.41 kB, 2,065×898, viewed 270 times
    Thank you!

    Isaac L. L. Yuki