J-LinkGDB Server and Cortex-M3: mixed up registers

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  • J-LinkGDB Server and Cortex-M3: mixed up registers


    I am trying to use the GDB server (V3.80a) with a CORTEX-M3 CPU (STM32). This does not work because the CPU registers seem to be mixed up:

    (gdb) monitor reg pc
    Reading register (R9 = 0x080060B8 )
    (gdb) monitor reg sp
    Reading register (R15 = 0x08000120)

    pc maps to R9 and sp to R15 but I expect it to be pc -> R15 sp -> R13.

    Is there a setting to change the mapping?


  • Hello Anton,

    we have not yet tested the GDB Server with Cortex-M3.
    The register assignments for stack pointer and pc need to be different for Cortex-M3,
    so this certainly needs to be changed.

    We'll make these changes and create a new Beta version.

    Can you get in touch with support@segger.com so we can inform you when ready ?
    (We'll also post this here)

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