Simple KEYBOARD widget example

    • Hi,

      I agree, the example in the wiki is a bit overblown if a file system is not required. We will provide a simpler example soon, I will let you know once it is published.

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    • Hi Viktor,

      I have just updated the wiki example. The old example "KEYBOARD_Usage" has been renamed to "KEYBOARD_Advanced". And now there is also a stripped-down version called "KEYBOARD_Simple". This one only shows how to use a predefined layout. The export and import of pattern and layout files to the file system is not included in that example. You can find the new example here.

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    • Hi Viktor,

      Yes, as of right now the KEYBOARD widget does not send any notifications to its parent window. It is not necessary to react on notifications because the KEYBOARD stores the pressed keys into the key buffer. This will automatically trigger a WM_KEY message to the window that currently has the focus.

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