[ABANDONED] "Start Recording" but nothing happens

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  • [ABANDONED] "Start Recording" but nothing happens

    I want to start using SystemView to trace our FreeRTOS usage.
    I believe that all is set in the code to have it working. I copied the project that works with my coworker (WIndows 10).

    On my computer, when the app is running, we click on the green triangle "Start Recording", and after asking about, J-Link we confirm, then nothing happens.

    I also tried Target > Recorder Configuration. I confirm I use J-LInk, then nothing happens.
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    Are your recorder settings betwen your PC and the one of your coworker also the same?
    You can check them under Target->Recorder Configuration->J-Link

    If they are the same, what are the settings. Could you provide a screenshot?

    Best regards,
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