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    Hi everyone!
    Can someone point me to correct thread I saw once awhile about how to include in versioning system all source files used in Embedded Studio(7.10) for specific STM32-project?
    I know I must uncheck "Include Standard Libraries", but then I get error "undefined symbol __SEGGER_init_copy referenced by symbol __SEGGER_init_table__ (section .segger.init.table in file [ Linker created ])".
    So I need the whole procedure.

    Any help would be appriciated!

    PS: Except RTT. RTT must remain in SES.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by kazham ().

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    The error messages are expected. You are turning of our standard library but are using the SEGGER Linker and our startup code with linker symbols which are filled by our standard library.
    If RTT may be referenced from SES for your case, why not the standard library as well?

    All Embedded Studio projects that are created via the project wizard are created portable, so you can simply zip up the project folder and share it with any system that has the same version of Embedded Studio installed.
    So I do not really see what the benefit would be here to version toolchain specific files as well if all you need is to simply install the same Embedded Studio version and maybe the same CPU Support package versions if you are using them in your project.
    Could you elaborate?
    Our recommendation is to version only what is in the project folder itself. Everything else is with SES and portable.

    Best regards,
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