Language Independent Text Resource for AppWizard

    • Language Independent Text Resource for AppWizard


      I'm evaluating emWin/AppWizard using a Renesas board.
      I have a case where strings (text) will always be shown in English regardless of language settings.
      When using AppWizard it seems like I need to add the same text for all languages.
      Is there a default language/text concept in AppWizard where the default will be used when text from other languages are not defined?

      Thanks :)
    • Hi,

      Unfortunately there currently is no such feature as you are describing it. You would have to add the same text for all languages so that when the language index is changed, the text stays the same.

      Best regards,
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    • Hello Florian,

      Thank you for the reply.

      Since texts will always be in English language and there will be a lot of text, I'm planning to implement it like the following.
      - For the screens that support multiple languages, I will set the application language dynamically based on the user selected setting.
      - For the screens that are fixed to English language, I will set the application language to English.

      Do you think there will be any problem with this approach?

      Best Regards,