[SOLVED] After recent update to J-Flash and J-Link f/w, my project broken

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  • [SOLVED] After recent update to J-Flash and J-Link f/w, my project broken

    I had a working J-Flash project for a custom board similar to STM32F746 DISCO.
    The QSPI flash on the board is S25FL256L, J-Flash could program it and read back.
    Today updated to version 7.82c, Windows 64-bit, on Win11.
    When I opened the project it complained that the loader for ext . flash is wrong
    and demanded to change it to "CLK@PB2_nCS@PB6_D0@PD11_D1@PD12_D2@PE2_D3@PD13"
    After that it no longer can read the QSPI flash. Says:

    Source Code

    1. Reading target memory (0x90000000 - 0x9000FFFF) ...
    2. - Start of determining flash info (Bank 2 @ 0x90000000)
    3. - ERROR: Timeout while preparing target, RAMCode did not respond in time!
    4. - ERROR: Failed to perform RAMCode-sided Prepare()
    5. - ERROR: Error while determining flash info (Bank 2 @ 0x90000000)
    6. - ERROR: Failed to read back target memory
    7. Disconnecting ...

    It also advised to update the J-Link firmware. I did it, it does not help.

    My QSPI pinout is indeed CLK@PB2_nCS@PB6_D0@PD11_D1@PD12_D2@PE2_D3@PD13.
    Also tried the alternate pinout CLK@PB2_nCS@PB6_D0@PC9_D1@PC10_D2@PE2_D3@PD13
    Does not help either.

    I know that this is not a support forum, just to warn the users that new J-Link versions are not properly tested for regressions :cursing: .
    Attached the old, new (updated by new j-link version) projects.


    The post was edited 2 times, last by ddbug: resolved ().