[ABANDONED] Reset to a specific ROM address?

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  • [ABANDONED] Reset to a specific ROM address?

    I assume that JLink reset command or GDB reset will get the micro to a default state. But what if I linked my code at a specific address and there is nothing at the default rom address?

    An IDE seems to hard fault, as it will send this basic reset, and the PC will jump to a location with no code.

    Is there a way to reset to a known/set state? I looked up reset strategies and didn't see much that was relevant to code (a vector table) missing from a default rom address.

  • What happens on a reset:
    J-Link will reset the chip (core + peripherals) and halt the core before the 1st user code instruction is executed.
    What happens if you have linked for example the vector table not to the default location where the core will look after reset, cannot be said easily.

    If for example the chip also contains a ROM bootloader that verifies if the application in flash is valid etc. before jumping to it,
    it is very possible that for a scenario as you describe, it will detect "no valid application" and may stop initializing the chip.
    If then your IDE sets the PC to the start of the application, you execute user code with an half-initialized chip that may lead to random crashes etc. on the chip side.
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