[SOLVED] unknown entry point in jlink command file

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  • [SOLVED] unknown entry point in jlink command file

    I work with RT1051 and I have a project contained and executed in RAM.
    I wrote a command file to automate loading and execution:

    Source Code

    1. connect
    2. sleep 10
    3. r
    4. sleep 100
    5. loadfile "image/executable.hex"
    6. sleep 10
    7. setpc <ENTRYPOINT>
    8. sleep 100
    9. g
    10. sleep 100
    11. exit
    Display All
    Every version I make <ENTRYPOINT> can change, forcing me to introspect the produced binary.

    To automate this aspect as well, how could I do it?

    For example, is it possible to pass parameters from JLink command line to CommandScript? Or is it possible to declare variables inside the script that I would populate by reading the content of a specific memory location (the address of the ResetISR inside the vectors)? Or are there other methods I haven't considered like JlinkScripts?

    best regards
  • Hi Max,
    There is no such feature available.

    You could however work around this by adjusting the command file via some kind of script file (e.g. Python)
    - Have a template command file containing the <ENTRYPOINT> place holder.
    - The script parses the template and creates a copy with the <ENTRYPOINT> placeholder replaced by the actual address and calls J-Link Commander with the adjusted script file.

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  • You could also get your hands on the J-Link SDK and write your own applications, adapt J-Link Commamder to your needs, …

    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
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