How to access AppWizard PROGBAR widget from C?

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    • How to access AppWizard PROGBAR widget from C?

      If I create in C code progress like this:

      Source Code

      1. void cbID_SCREEN_Initial(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
      2. GUI_USE_PARA(pMsg);
      3. PROGBAR_Handle ahProgBar;
      4. switch (pMsg->MsgId)
      5. {
      6. case WM_INIT_DIALOG:
      7. ahProgBar = PROGBAR_CreateEx (245, 70, 200, 30, pMsg->hWin, WM_CF_SHOW, PROGBAR_CF_HORIZONTAL, GUI_ID_PROGBAR0);
      8. break;
      9. }
      10. }
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      Then I can this code works:

      Source Code

      1. PROGBAR_Handle ahProgBar = WM_GetDialogItem (ID_SCREEN_Initial, GUI_ID_PROGBAR0);
      2. PROGBAR_SetValue (ahProgBar, 12);
      However, if I create PROGBAR in AppWizard GUI tool, following lines

      Source Code

      1. PROGBAR_Handle ahProgBar = WM_GetDialogItem (ID_SCREEN_Initial, ID_PROGBAR_Initial);
      2. PROGBAR_SetValue (ahProgBar, 12); <--- crash

      give crash in simulator (didn't tried on real hw):
      Wrong handle type or Object not init'ed in PROGBAR_LockH()"

      Obviously AppWizard PROGBAR widget isn't the same as emWin widget.

      How to properly access AppWizard PROGBAR from C code?
      • AppWizardProgbar.png

        96.53 kB, 1,360×851, viewed 452 times
      • AppWizardProgbarCrash.png

        28.62 kB, 547×422, viewed 445 times
    • Hi,

      I have already replied to you by email, but I will address this on the forum as well, in case any other users come across this.

      We do not guarantee that the emWin widget API works for AppWizard objects as well. For most objects the API functions work the same, but for a few exceptions, like the PROGBAR, they do not.

      It is safer to do this with AppWizard variables:
      • Add a new variable to the project (e.g. ID_VAR_PROGBAR).
      • Then add an interaction so that when the variable changes the value will be set to the PROGBAR (see attached image).
      • Now, when you set the value of the variable in user code, the value will also be set to the PROGBAR, since we react on a VALUE_CHANGED signal:

      C Source Code

      1. APPW_SetVarData(ID_VAR_PROGBAR, 100);

      Best regards,
      • Interaction.jpg

        6.1 kB, 600×45, viewed 343 times
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