[ABANDONED] STM32CubeIDE/GDBServer (SWV tracing) stopped working after J-Link FW upgrade

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  • [ABANDONED] STM32CubeIDE/GDBServer (SWV tracing) stopped working after J-Link FW upgrade

    I had a perfectly working setup:
    a probe Segger J-Link mini, GDBServer configured with SWV trace running at max speed over SWO wire, STM32CubeIDE and all it's "underwear" was upgraded to the latest (current) and everything worked including SWViewer.
    The only old version in the fully working system was the J-Link probe firmware (V7.00).
    As CubeIDE persisted in suggesting to upgrade that FW, I finally did that. After the upgrade the Debugger to the latest V7.60e , it stopped working.

    Specifically , it works only if I disable SWV functionality (SWO pin) . When SWV is selected as before the upgrade with all the same configuration and hardware connection, then loading of target fails . The screenshot of the pop-up information provided by GDBServer is attached.
    Using the J-Link configurator I confirmed that the version of FW is the latest. Using J-Link commander I confirmed that the target is working fine . Only GDBServer in STM32CubeIDE fails using J-Link probe to enable SWV configuration.
    Here is the command line options for JLink GDBServer as it is auto-configured by the STM32CubeIDE (all software is current versions):
    J-Link GDBServer CL :
    C:\STM\STM32CubeIDE_1.8.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.jlink.win32_2.0.100.202110251254\tools\bin\JLinkGDBServerCL.exe -port 2331 -s -device STM32F411CE -endian little -speed 4000 -if swd -swoport 2332 -vd

    See the attachment.
    Notice: the 2nd popup window about the "too many hardware breakpoints" is meaningless in this case. Only 1st popup window has useful information - indeed SWV configuration is failing, yet the memory reading failure is also confusing because without SWV setup the memory reading is fine as well as J-Link commander does memory reading fine too.

    Please help
    • Segger_probe_failed.PNG

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