[SOLVED] No "options" for any files in project tree

  • [SOLVED] No "options" for any files in project tree

    Dear Segger
    Relating to the project i have just imported from from ST cube IDE (see previous post) that is now working OK, i have just come across an issue where "options" is greyed out on any file in the project tree when you right click on any file. Normally you would get the options tab and other available commands in the list such as remove from project, exclude from build, add existing file etc... These are not present.
    What has caused these options to become unavailable and how do i return them?
    Many thanks
  • Hello James,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    When importing STCubeIDE projects to Embedded Studio all folders that are imported are "real" folders and display the exact file tree as it would be on your file system.
    However in that mode all file options that you would be able to set via the ES context menu as the folders represent actual folders on your harddrive.
    So if you want to add/remove files, you have to actually remove/add them on your harddrive and then press "Synchronize with disk" on the main folder level in the ES project explorer.

    Alternatively you can convert the real folders to regular folder in Embedded Studio. These are virtual and no longer represent the exact file tree on your harddrive.
    You can do that by right clicking the top folder in a folder chain and select "Convert to Regular folder".

    Now you can manipulate that folder via the ES GUI as usual.

    Best regards,
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