[SOLVED] nRF5340 Application Exampke

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  • [SOLVED] nRF5340 Application Exampke

    Dear, i am new to Segger platform. I have nRF5340DK. Now, please share any simple eample with led and button in SES (Not Zephyr).1. How to define and use the port pins in the form : #define led_pin .. 2. How to set up initial / reset/power-On clock. ?
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    This is not really an Embedded Studio related question as it is target device specific how this is achieved. As J-Link and Embedded Studio support over 10000 different devices it is impossible to provide samples for all of them.
    Embedded Studio provides you simply with all needed tools. The information on how to work with your chip is documented in the silicon vendors documentation and samples are provided in their corresponding SDKs.
    So we recommend to check out the Nordic documentation, guides and SDK samples for Embedded Studio which are available on the Nordic website.

    If you are looking for a more bare metal blinky sample you could also use our embOS sample for the nRF5340 DK:

    Best regards,
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