[SOLVED] About "Command-line options" of "Segger Embedded Studio"

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  • [SOLVED] About "Command-line options" of "Segger Embedded Studio"

    SDK: 15.3.0
    SoftDevice: S132
    Device: nRF52832

    I am doing a MakeFile to "SEGGER Embedded Studio" replacement.
    Therefore, it is necessary to set the command line option in "SEGGER Embedded Studio".
    Take the command line option "-mcpu" as an example.
    How should I make the same settings as "-mcpu" in "SEGGER Embedded Studio"?
    I think I can set it from below, but I'm not sure if it's correct.
    "Options> Code> Code Generation> ARM Core Type"
    What document can I understand by looking at it?
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    Please note that the Nordic SDK samples use an external toolchain where options might not translate 1:1 to Embedded Studio which is why Nordic is using their makefiles and config tools here for their external toolchain.
    For questions about that we recommend to contact Nordic Support directly.

    When generally trying to get started with an Embedded Studio project from scratch we recommend to use the Embedded Studio project wizard and CPU package where available.
    That way you do not have to worry about any translation tables between different toolchains and everything is already correctly set.
    An example guide shown for FreeRTOS is explained here:

    The sample principle applies to any external software you plan to add to your basic project.

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.