[SOLVED] Ozone Debug Multiple Elf Files

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  • [SOLVED] Ozone Debug Multiple Elf Files


    I have a similar question to the one asked here, marked as solved. [SOLVED] [Ozone] Possibility to load symbols from multiple .ELF files?

    In the above thread Nino mentions that Ozone doesn't support loading multiple elf files simultaneously, but consecutively.

    Does that mean, I can target my primary elf file for the project and then use the 'loadfile' command in the script to load the secondary image and b eable to debug both applications?

    I have a situation where the primary application is the company fw and the secondary app is customer source that uses APIs offered by our OS.

    Hope this is clear, thanks in advance for any response offered.
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    Currently Ozone can't load multiple elf files at the same time. But it is on our ToDo.
    You can load them consecutively as shown here:

    But this will work only in one direction e.g. Bootloader->Application once.
    You can't jump between both program parts back and forth which it sounds like would be required for your setup.

    Best regards,
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