Upgrading to Ver 4.24F cuases Atmel Samba to fail with message "No valid processor ID Found"

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  • Upgrading to Ver 4.24F cuases Atmel Samba to fail with message "No valid processor ID Found"

    Hello All
    I recently received a new workstation. In order to move from a WindowsXp 32 bit environment to a Woindows7 64 bit environment, I got the latest Segger drivers which happened ot be ver 4.24f. After completing the upgrade everything appeared to be working fine until I discovered that the Atmel tool Samba failed to load with the message "No valid processor ID Found". After some exoerimentation i have found that the problem is in the firmware loaded into the J-Link by the 4.24f JlinkARM.dll. I down graded my jlink firmware to the version installed by the 4.20p dll and Samba works fine.
    We use the IAR oem J-Link and the IAR Embedded Workbench Ver 5.301.
    Currently we are getting along just fine with the Ver 4.20p drivers but would like to move to a newer release in the future.
    I am interested in knowing if this is a known problem and if there will be a fix for it in the near future?