[SOLVED] Passing RTT control block address to J-Scope

  • [SOLVED] Passing RTT control block address to J-Scope

    Hi guys,

    I already read in the forums about possiblities to specify the address of the RTT control block to J-Scope, unfortunately I was not successful yet.
    I have a setup where I use RTT on the µC side (STM32L4), setting up an "up" channel for RTT on channel index1. I use the naming convention of the RTT channel as documented in chapter 1.11 (Instrumenting an application to use it with J-Scope) of the document UM08028.

    I AM able to log channel1 via RTTLogger when I pass the address of the control block to segger RTT as documented. However, no luck wihr J-Scope, which always tells me that the control block cannot be found. I found this thread:

    [SOLVED] J-Scope, finding RTT

    and ran J-Scope with
    JScope.exe --rttsearch "0x10000000 0x1000"

    I know that 0x10000000 is the correct address since specifying it to RTTLogger works, but J-Scope seems to ignore that information (latest J-Scope version)

    Any ideas how to make J-Scope work to find the Control block and graphing the data arriving over RTT channel 1?

    Thanks and BR,

  • Hello Franz,

    the current version of J-Scope is a rework that was released a few months ago and is still being improved upon. The option to configure RTT search ranges is currently not implemented, but is on the list of features to add to J-Scope.

    I will let you know when it is done and in which release this will be included.

    Best regards,
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  • Hello,

    this would be V6.11m.

    Best regards
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