Hello guys!
We are also happy to see some news about J-scope. Such a great tool!
We are used to use J-scope 611j RTT (it plots 6x int32_t @ 20kHz with "SEGGER_RTT_MODE_NO_BLOCK_SKIP" on channel 1) with J-link 631a RTT client (this terminal is used to display and received command on channel 0), gdb and dll and that was the only known combination that worked for us. Because of this only compatibility we couldn't update to a new j-link version otherwise J-scope wouldn't work anymore.
As we saw the new version 7.54c of all you program suite, we installed the new j-scope and j-link package.
We've been really careful to uninstall previous version and we updated in our IDE the call for the new version of GDB supplied.
Unfortunately since the new version is installed, when both RTT client and j-scope are launched it works rarely and the whole session bug.
That happens when I push play/stop in J-scope with RTT option.
The screenshot of typical raised errors are attached, it says : J-link low on memory and communication timed out with mismatch of request and receive bytes
And sometimes I succeed to have both working, terminal and j-scope, but for no reason J-scope crashes and close with no information.
It is linked to parallel use of the terminal and j-scope.
Are you aware of that kind of issues?
We use J-link Ultra+ with a MKE16f512 Kinetis MCU from NXP and with MCUxpresso that launches SEGGER J-Link GDB Server.
We are also happy to see some news about J-scope. Such a great tool!
We are used to use J-scope 611j RTT (it plots 6x int32_t @ 20kHz with "SEGGER_RTT_MODE_NO_BLOCK_SKIP" on channel 1) with J-link 631a RTT client (this terminal is used to display and received command on channel 0), gdb and dll and that was the only known combination that worked for us. Because of this only compatibility we couldn't update to a new j-link version otherwise J-scope wouldn't work anymore.
As we saw the new version 7.54c of all you program suite, we installed the new j-scope and j-link package.
We've been really careful to uninstall previous version and we updated in our IDE the call for the new version of GDB supplied.
Unfortunately since the new version is installed, when both RTT client and j-scope are launched it works rarely and the whole session bug.
That happens when I push play/stop in J-scope with RTT option.
The screenshot of typical raised errors are attached, it says : J-link low on memory and communication timed out with mismatch of request and receive bytes
And sometimes I succeed to have both working, terminal and j-scope, but for no reason J-scope crashes and close with no information.
It is linked to parallel use of the terminal and j-scope.
Are you aware of that kind of issues?
We use J-link Ultra+ with a MKE16f512 Kinetis MCU from NXP and with MCUxpresso that launches SEGGER J-Link GDB Server.